“Even a wounded world is feeding us. Even a wounded world holds us, giving us moments of wonder and joy. I choose joy over despair. Not because I have my head in the sand, but because joy is what the earth gives me daily and I must return the gift.”
Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
Between worlds.
On the cusp of endings and beginnings.
Now is the time…
to invoke the wisdom
and strength of our ancestors.
Between worlds.
The richness of harvest
and the increasing darkness.
The call to pause
and the push to gather the fruits.
The call to pause
and the inevitable tasks to be done.
Cross quarter tide.
Between worlds.
Invoke the wisdom and strength of our ancestors.
We only have glimpses
of their tribulations and victories,
their sorrows and joys.
We carry their legacy within our bodies.
In our marrow,
in our DNA,
in the rumble of our laughter,
in our mysterious tears.
In our strength and resilience,
instinctual inheritance.
Between worlds.
Dia de Los Muertos.
Celebrations of life and honoring death.
Cross-quarter week,
midway between Equinox and Solstice,
Life is calling us to a deeper awareness.
Now is the time…
to invoke the wisdom and strength of our ancestors.
Dear Ones,
Carve out time for listening to your own heartbeat, for arranging photographs and flowers upon an altar.
Allow for tears whenever they may arise. Speak your truth.
Give yourself ease and sighs and touch solid ground.
Allow for spacious slumber and swimming in languid, liminal, mystical musings.
Offer yourself internal hugs as needed. Sing sweet songs to yourself.
Follow your instincts to stroke furry pets.
Look at the changing skies. Notice the comings and goings of the winged ones outside your window.
Our focus on glowing screens in compelling… turn the tide.
Acknowledge your neighbors: human and nature kin alike. Share your kind and beautiful heart.
Thank you.
With love,
Navigation in the Mystery
Your astrological chart is a potent pattern: it is the matrix that reveals how the planets speak within you. Prediction is a matter of looking down the river to interpret and sense the shape and flow of the journey ahead. Consult your celestial compass: What are the conditions and optimal ways to navigate? What are your possibilities and options?
“When you bring consciousness to anything, things begin to shift.”
Eve Ensler
The sun, the moon and the planets are your allies in seeking truth.
They offer parameters, milestones and timing.
They open doors – if you are willing to step through the threshold to
deeper understanding and self-acceptance.
I welcome your inquiry.
I offer navigation in the mystery through astrology and tarot.
With Love,
Stay in touch & Subscribe to AstroFlash!
Copyright © 2024 Jacqueline Lasahn All rights reserved.
Artwork: Orsala by Janie Olson
Photo: Monarchs and Marigolds by Jacqueline Lasahn
Gene Berson says
Beautiful, timely and inspiring. Thank you.
Anthony Barreiro says
Much wisdom and kindness here! Thank you.
Jacqueline says
I’m happy to hear it touched you, Gene. ☮
Jacqueline says
Ahhh… Anthony, you are welcome!! ☮