Cool the fires.
Calm the waters.
Shift the conversation.
Disengage agitation.
Ease off the crusty tirades.
Ripen fruits of diplomacy and tact.
Nourish the hungry,
quench the thirsty.
Share the power.
Value life.
Here we are,
There is no turning back.
May the flowers
of kindness flourish.
May the vines
of loving cooperation thrive.
May we know and practice
the give and take of balance.
Libra Moon
Queen of harmony, justice and grace.
Goddess of Love and Beauty.
May all our heartfelt intentions,
prayers for peace and loving kindness
be magnified,
and manifest!
“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” Dalai Lama
Libra Solar Eclipse!
October 2, 2024
11:49 am
One door closes and another opens.
Endings and beginnings are hallmarks of eclipses. During a solar eclipse, the moon casts a shadow over the earth; the shadow of consequences of past actions, habits and addictions to opinions. That which is hidden surfaces, that what is obvious becomes obscured. This eclipse is a time of separation, loss and sadness for many people. Here we are, there is no turning back.
Be present with what is essential. This is not a time to push yourself beyond your physical limitations. Breathe, embody, open your mind without losing focus to endless distractions.
The most recent periods in this larger eclipse cycle occurred in August 1952, August 1970, September 1988, and September 2006.
Sun, Moon and Mercury conjunct in Libra. Plant seeds of equanimity, tolerance and diplomacy with awareness.
Mars squares Sun, Moon and Mercury. Mars, planet of will and self-assertion is not easily expressed in the nurturing water sign of Cancer. Reactivity: defensiveness, irritability, provocation, or turbulence. Conflict. Rapid change.
Note: on October 4, two days after the eclipse, Mars enters the pre-retrograde shadow (the degree to which it will return and turn direct during the upcoming retrograde cycle December 6 – February 23). Mars will be in the sign of Cancer for many months ahead, it is worthwhile to see where Mars is traveling in your chart. I’ll be writing more about this in the coming months.
Allow your heart to be your compass
and mindful communication to be your ally
in the unknown territory ahead.
Libra Solar Eclipse
Seeds of Intentions
This our last eclipse in Libra for the next ten years.
What needs to be finished?
What is out of balance in my life and what is needed here?
May I be kinder to others? Anyone in particular?
Can I be kinder to myself?
“Kindness is the truest wisdom of life and
we cannot go far without it.”
Margaret E. Sangster
“Very clear, to the point of what I needed and wanted to look at, absolutely great! You’re the best. Thank you.” Carolyn K.
Navigation in the Mystery
Your astrological chart is a potent pattern: it is the matrix that reveals how the planets speak within you. Prediction is a matter of looking down the river to interpret and sense the shape and flow of the journey ahead. Consult your celestial compass: What are the conditions and optimal ways to navigate? What are your possibilities and options?
“When you bring consciousness to anything, things begin to shift.”
Eve Ensler
The sun, the moon and the planets are your allies in seeking truth.
They offer parameters, milestones and timing.
They open doors – if you are willing to step through the threshold to
deeper understanding and self-acceptance.
I welcome your inquiry.
I offer navigation in the mystery through astrology and tarot.
With Love,
Stay in touch & Subscribe to AstroFlash!
Copyright © 2024 Jacqueline Lasahn All rights reserved.
Artwork: Cat Thoughts by Janie Olson
Photo: “Attaining-Wisdom”-by-tinyfroglet-is-licensed-under-CC-BY-2.0.0.jpg
Marylou knapp says
Thank you so much! I love and appreciate you. May our paths cross again!????
Jacqueline says
Dear Marylou, I’m happy to hear from you. Thank you for your tender words. I’d love to see you.♥ I haven’t been in your area for a long time.