“Transformation is not accomplished
by tentative wading at the edge.“
Robin Wall Kimmerer
Mars and Pluto Take the Stage
Who drives the wheel…
courage or doubt?
Mars has shifted gears,
now driving in reverse.
We’re looking through
the rear window…
Wondering, questioning… what happened?
Things move slowly
when we think they should move quickly.
We must deal with the past in order to go forward.
Be patient, gather strength and persist.
Mars Retrograde December 6, 2024 – February 23, 2025
Mars has been nearly at a standstill – only moving about 1° in the past two weeks. It stationed retrograde at 6° 10′ Leo on Friday, December 6, 2024 and will resume direct course on February 23, 2025 at 17° Cancer. All in all, Mars will be retrograde in Leo for a month and in Cancer for a one and a half months.
Consider where (what houses) Leo and Cancer are in your birth chart… be aware of will, motivation and power dynamics.
Mars retrograde is a good time to revisit old projects that have been on the back burner, rather than initiating new ventures. Unresolved family issues and buried feelings can no longer be ignored. This winter is a good time to focus on personal growth and healing.
We must deal with the past in order to go forward.
Mars is the driving force of will, initiative, and assertion within each one of us. It is the passion that moves us forward in the world. Physical vitality and the ability (or inability) to express anger and rage, the Mars dynamic is not about thought or analysis. Mars is action. Courage, aggression, fighting spirit, and willpower pushing forward. Be aware of irritability, obsessiveness and over extension. Procrastination, fatigue, impulsive actions, spinning wheels. Anger. Passive/aggressive behaviors. Mars emphasizes self-hood (or selfishness), division, and separation.
Many people feel pushed to take sides.
Pluto in Aquarius
As Mars was slowing down a couple of weeks ago, Pluto entered Aquarius (a big deal since it will be in Aquarius until early 2043). Pluto is the higher octave of Mars (elevating the theme of POWER from personal to collective) and the timing of this Mars retrograde accents the acceleration of our awareness of Pluto in its nascent expression of Aquarius. We are seeing headlines from all around the world: major shifts in who holds power, who is fighting for power in global and societal structures. Innovation in technology, social division, and elitism. So much is changing so quickly, it’s difficult to keep track. This is only the beginning.
Collective shift. Grass-roots activism.
New forms of community emerge.
Mars opposite Pluto
November 3, 2024 pre-retrograde
January 3, 2025 retrograde
April 26, 2025 post-retrograde
Note: this aspect usually happens once every two years, but with the retrograde we experience Mars opposite Pluto 3X in about six months. The Mars/Pluto signature is evident throughout this time and particularly on the dates listed above. Dig in the grab bag of keywords for the flavors of this aspect:
Strategy, manipulation, focus, tension,
persistence, power struggle, purging,
catharsis, surrender, transformation, healing.
Mars Retrograde Reflections
and Seeds of Intentions
Question your motivations:
Why am I acting this way?
What animates me?
Am I aligned with integrity?
Am I standing up for myself?
Be patient, gather strength and persist.
“Thank you very much for your wisdom, guidance, support and understanding!” A.N.
Navigation in the Mystery
Your astrological chart is a potent pattern: it is the matrix that reveals how the planets speak within you. Prediction is a matter of looking down the river to interpret and sense the shape and flow of the journey ahead. Consult your celestial compass: What are the conditions and optimal ways to navigate? What are your possibilities and options?
“When you bring consciousness to anything, things begin to shift.”
Eve Ensler
The sun, the moon and the planets are your allies in seeking truth.
They offer parameters, milestones and timing.
They open doors – if you are willing to step through the threshold to
deeper understanding and self-acceptance.
I welcome your inquiry.
I offer navigation in the mystery through astrology and tarot.
With Love,
Stay in touch & Subscribe to AstroFlash!
Copyright © 2024 Jacqueline Lasahn All rights reserved.
Artwork: Silent Knowledge and Owl by Janie Olson
Anthony Barreiro says
Thank you Jacqueline! There is much to contemplate and integrate here. I was feeling very tired right around when Mars stationed retrograde, starting to feel more energy now. I’m going to remember your advice to notice my motivations and be curious about them.
On the world stage very unexpected things have been happening. History only seems inevitable in hindsight. May we all use our energy and passion to dismantle the structures that have been harming human and other living beings and work to create something better, healthier, more creative, and more beautiful.
Jacqueline says
The retrogrades always make life more interesting ๐
Thank you for your inspired blessing! May it be so.