“Our feelings are our most genuine paths to knowledge.”
Audre Lorde
Cancer Full Moon – Nourish
Storm surge, high tide,
seeking security in turbulent waters.
Clinging to a rock in the oceanic mysteries,
buffeted by agitated and fluctuating waves.
Cautious and impatient
is a strange dynamic for change.
Opposing currents create turbulence,
conflict riptide intensity.
Is there no repose? Then go with the flow.
Stay awake.
Respect your gut intelligence,
hone your instincts.
Include an expansive perspective
of the complex geometry
of disorienting truth
and divisive polarity.
Spiral inward, know your center,
your moral compass, your internal clock
aligned with integrity.
Keep your eyes open and your heart humming.
Nourish strength and tenderness
deep within.
“There can be no transforming of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotion.”
Carl Gustav Jung
Cancer Full Moon – Nourish
January 13, 2025
2:26 pm PST
The Moon is in its home sign of Cancer, emotions are running high, overflowing. Mars retrograde in the mix, closely aligned with the Moon, heightens awareness of our own suffering, empathy for other’s suffering, and the urge take action, to do something. Emotions run into overdrive with irritability, anger and willfulness. Impulsivity is not all bad, watch your step. Perhaps it is the kick-start you need.
Moon in Cancer opposite Sun in Capricorn highlights caution and security… and just reading the news headlines these days rattles anxieties and fears!
The tension of this lunation spills out in to the month with these notable oppositions to Mars retrograde in Cancer:
1/15 Sun opposite Mars retrograde is the tense half way point in Mars retro cycle that started 12/6. Once again irritability, aggression, and confrontation often arise, but take note of what your emotions are showing you about who you think you are, what you’re fighting for or your attitude.
1/23 Mercury opposite Mars retrograde: arguments and fights, hot-headed, impulsive communication. Hasty judgments or keen insights. Notice and change compulsive thoughts.
All these oppositions are an opportunity to get to know ourselves, our feelings and how we’re coming across to others.
“Up until recently, research showed that we can name and label about three emotions accurately: happy, sad and angry. That means every nuanced feeling that we have – disappointment, resentment, dread, worry, wonder, awe – we shove into these three big crude buckets.” Brene Brown
Cancer Full Moon Reflections
How may I be in tune with my internal rhythms in ways that make me stronger?
How may I stabilize my emotions and be most effective in fulfilling my responsibilities?
What are the practices in my life where I am able to integrate all parts of me and feel whole?
Who are the people in my life with whom I am comfortable with all parts of me and feel whole?
“Thank you for the depth of your presence in your readings and writings.” S.R.
Navigation in the Mystery
Your astrological chart is a potent pattern: it is the matrix that reveals how the planets speak within you. Prediction is a matter of looking down the river to interpret and sense the shape and flow of the journey ahead. Consult your celestial compass: What are the conditions and optimal ways to navigate? What are your possibilities and options?
“When you bring consciousness to anything,
things begin to shift.”
Eve Ensler
The sun, the moon and the planets are your allies in seeking truth.
They offer parameters, milestones and timing.
They open doors – if you are willing to step through the threshold to
deeper understanding and self-acceptance.
I welcome your inquiry.
I offer navigation in the mystery through astrology and tarot.
With Love,
Stay in touch & Subscribe to AstroFlash!
Copyright © 2025 Jacqueline Lasahn All rights reserved.
Mural Art by Cristian Munoz created to respond to the motto “Water is Life” promoted by the struggle of the Lakota people in South Dakota.
Driftwood Sculpture: Shaping Spirit by Debra Bernier
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